Loan insurance : bank or individual insurance
When you borrow money, your mortgage lender requires you to pay a […]
The different taxes in LMNP
A landlord, in the course of his activity, must pay three taxes […]
Mobility lease
The mobility lease is a rental contract for furnished housing for a […]
Taxes on capital gains in LMP
Protecting savings, making them grow or drawing additional income from them is […]
Social charges on furnished rental income
Do you rent out a furnished property seasonally or annually? Classically or […]
Switching from micro-BIC to ’Réel simplifié’
You are under the micro-BIC regime and wonder if you can switch […]
Standard contract for unfurnished rental
Unfurnished rental has a lot of advantages and is thus an important […]
Standard contract for furnished rental
You have decided to invest in rental property and have either just […]
Taxes on capital gain in LMNP
Furnished rental is a very trendy activity that is regularly highlighted by […]
Comparison between ‘régime réel’ and ‘micro-BIC’
The income you receive from the rental of furnished property, as ‘loueur […]
Legislation for a “Réel Simplifié” in case of furnished rental
As a provider of furnished rentals, you can choose to declare your […]
Unfurnished versus furnished rental : comparison from tax perspective
As the choice of the type of rental is one of the […]