IFI – Wealth tax
Anyone that has a property portfolio that exceeds 1.3 million euros on January first of the year, has to submit a wealth tax return (IFI in French). You need to declare houses, apartments, garages, usufruct, buildings under construction etc.
Who needs to submit an IFI tax return ?
You need this service in the following cases :
- You are not a French tax resident
You must file a wealth tax return (IFI) if your French property portfolio exceeds 1.3 million euros.
- You are a French tax resident
You must file an IFI tax return if your entire real estate portfolio exceeds 1.3 million euros. This includes the obligation to declare your non-French real estate assets. If you have recently become a French tax resident, you will only pay IFI on your French properties during the first 5 years.
If you are unsure of your French tax residency status, you can refer to our article, watch our video or contact us for assistance.
Price: From 440€

Start your IFI tax return
Our IFI tax return service includes:
- Assistance in the collecting relevant information and the necessary documents to prepare your declaration.
- Optimization of tax reductions (including mortgage deductions and taxe foncière reductions).
- Completion of administrative forms (such as 2042 and 2042 IFI).
- Calculation of IFI tax and social security contributions.
2024 IFI tax deadlines
May 2024
Non residents of France + department 1-19
May 2024
If you declare for the first time (paper return) + department 20-54
June 2024
Department 55-976
Stepping stones

Declare your information online and receive a quotation

A tax expert will prepare your IFI tax return and will send it to you for approval

Your wealth tax return will be submitted to the French tax authorities